sisters of resistance

anti-imperialist pro-vegan radical queer feminist hip-hop & grime revolutionaries.

The Realities of Wealth Inequality in the U.S.A. — December 11, 2013

The Realities of Wealth Inequality in the U.S.A.

This video by Politizane on the inequalities of wealth distribution in the United States uses clear and intelligible infographics and accessible narration to reveal that 1% of the population holds 40% of the nation’s wealth. It illustrates what the so-called “Land of Dreams” really looks like for the majority of its inhabitants, and how far the facts truly are from what the majority of Americans think the distribution is like. We suspect a similar pattern would be reflected if this were to be done for the wealth of the entire globe. 

Sources are available in the “More info” section of the video. Please post, tweet, and reblog – this information needs to be shared.

via Adam Mordecai at