We were encouraged by the huge turn out, carnival atmosphere and sense of determination yesterday.

Sisters of Resistance were pleased to meet and hang out with inspiring women-led, environmentalists Climate Rush who remind us all that direct action gets results (it got women the vote);  we were also honoured to march (and dance) along side Global Women’s Strike and were happy to have exchanged contact details with these two groups. We were glad that the fact Unison and PCS have majority female membership was reflected on the demonstration and we hope that as the anti-cuts movement grows women will continue to play a crucial role and will be able to raise the important issues of equal pay, child care and men’s violence through and as a part of this wider struggle.

Sisters of Resistance categorically denounce the violence used by the police towards the end of the demonstration. We repeatedly reminded them that their “jobs are next” throughout the day, but they ignored our warnings and instead proved their complicity in the system that also oppresses them. More on their violent behaviour here. Inspired by our Zimbambwian sisters Woza, who repeatedly show their police that love will conquer hate, Sisters of Resistance sang along to a live performance of Waiting in Vain while changing the words slightly to probe the police as to when they are going to realise where their class loyalties lie. We won’t be holding our breath, this is not Wisconsin. Yet.

As promised, pics of the (now famous) Sisters of Resistance placard

in action!

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